...this is my world and I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut. I'm 19 and live in the Buckeye State *gag*. Most of you know I'm crazy but those of you who don't....I'm sorry. I'll get as many pics on here as I can so you can see how lame my life really is...
Yeah yeah this is me and all about me. There are more pics of myself on the ABOUT ME link so yeah... I live in the wanna be "ghetto" in my own personal hell I like to call my apartment, if my walls could talk...*sigh*. I'm dead broke all the time now especially now that I'm living on my own and it sucks major donkey nut....if you'd like a to make a donation to the "Feed the hobo girl fund" that'd be fantabulous. I'm a retail worker and it blows goats, I don't recomend it but if you so choose to do this sort of job I suggest you hop yourself up on a lot of nice drugs... So take a look around enjoy or just wonder..why? C( O _ o )O